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Panasonic AG-HPG10 Portable P2 Gear Player/Recorder
Product Highlights
  • USB 2.0
  • FireWire

The Panasonic AG-HPG10 P2 Gear is a portable P2 memory card player and recorder. The unit will instantly feel familiar to anyone using P2 cameras such as the AG-HPX500 and AG-HVX200; all the controls are laid out in the same manner.  Built as a lightweight complement to any P2 workflow, the AG-HPG10 allows users to monitor, record, downconvert, and archive P2 footage, while still having access to Panasonic’s intuitive thumbnail viewing interface. The result is a battery powered, durable, all-in-one solution that continues to make P2 solid-state recording both efficient and affordable.

View Footage With Ease

The AG-HPG10 can output footage for viewing through HD/SD-SDI, component or composite signals. Optional downconversion makes viewing high definition footage on a standard definition set quick and easy.

Versatility is Key

The AG-HPG10 has the ability to record directly to p2 cards via its IEEE 1394 port, for additional backup purposes. Additionally, users have the option of copying files directly to an external hard drive through either USB 2.0 or IEEE 1394.

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